Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Week Post - James

Yo, what’s gucci? James here. This is my first weekly post thing.

My weekend was aight, nothing too special. Got drunk off Brass Monkeys on friday (you can check my review on this blog) and was really hungover the next day. My aunt, uncle and cousins came to visit on sunday, so that was nice. Yesterday, I met up with Mike and we went to Chronic town, which is a hooka lounge, and there was a group of kids, where the one guy was taking his friends there for the first time. Now here is my rant about that. This kid explained to his friends how the hooka works, but he was wrong and sounded like an idiot. That kid just needed to shut his face up.

I also took a trill ass selfie this weekend, that I like a lot. So I’ll show you guys that ish.

Song of the Week - 3005 by Childish Gambino

I really, really like this song. Gambino’s back and his new album is going to be insane. 

Video of the Week - Beer Pong Trick Shot

For my video of the week I chose a video of me doing a beer pong trick shot. 8th try, pretty nice if I say so myself. I was super drunk and was mid-Edward 40Hands.

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