Wednesday, November 20, 2013

EP - Childish Gambino Review

Yoo, I was gonna review Fun’s first album, but for some reason I just couldn't write anything for it right now. I’ll try to get back to reviewing that sometime soon or whatever. So i decided to review one of my favorite projects from my favorite artist ever.

EP - Childish Gambino

This is one of the greatest mixtapes/Eps ever. Every single song is great, which I mean doesn’t sound hard for something with only 5 songs, but every single one is so good. This EP really solidified Gambino as my favorite artist and this was long before Camp came out.

Be Alone

Such an emotional song. Gambino talks about how he feels alone after him and his girlfriend broke up. He also talks about how he just generally feels lonely and also about the loneliness that comes from his fame. This song makes me feel really sad, because it reminds me of past experiences. Damn. It’s like every single thing I write about on here reminds me of some sad stuff. I think it really speaks volumes about this song and about Gambino that he can bring so much emotion into this and make you feel so much.

Freaks and Geeks

This is the ultimate Gambino song. I’m never going to forget the night before Christine’s and my yellow house party, where we all just got destroyed and we started making an acoustic version of this. I was keeping beat on my knees, while she was rapping and Jarrett was doing a dance. Good ass times.
Back to this song though, it has some of Gambino’s best punchlines and is one of his best songs. When Gambino plays this song live everyone just gets super hype. I personally think that the line:

“Are there Asian Girls here? Minority Report”

Is the greatest line in the song, because if you see him live, you will be surprised at how loud people yell that line. So many good lines and such a good song. 

My Shine

I really like this song. Gambino goes in on it. The beat is good and so is the energy in this song. The build up in the beginning is just great. Gambino is just so good at referencing things and making his raps flow. This song is about why he raps.

Lights Turned On

This song will always remind me of the time I would spend hanging out with my friend JT and the phase we went through where we would always be blasting this song. I remember once we were in the car with his mom and he just decided to blast this song and to make things better he then started singing with it. This is probably the most hype song on the EP and Gambino destroys the beat. 
This song is basically just about how Gambino wants to hook up with girls. Nothing wrong with that.

Not Going Back

This is the perfect ending for this EP. He talks about how he doesn’t want to go back to being a regular guy. Another emotional sounding song, although he kinda gets hype on it. My favorite line from this song has to be:

"I am not a thug, AKA: what they pretend to be.
 I am just myself, AKA: my worst enemy.”

He’s saying that he’s not gangster or anything like other people and then he says that he’s himself, or the person that hurts him most. I can relate to that, because I am also my own worst enemy. There’s a high level of self loathing in this song. 

This EP/Project/Whatever you want to call it is, in my opinion, the perfect EP. Mostly due to the fact that every song on it is great and a Gambino classic and also because it is not too long. I can relate to this EP and I feel like it speaks to me. It especially did earlier in my life when I first heard it. I would give this a 10/10.

Gambino’s new album comes out on the 10th of December and is bound to be amazing.Trust in Gambino, for he has never failed us.

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