Monday, December 2, 2013

Because The Internet by Childish Gambino Review/Opinions

Ayyy, I just woke up from a nap and guess what I saw? Gambino’s album just leaked like 10 min ago! I’ve been waiting for this album since forever.  This is prob the first review of this album that is out. I mean no disrespect to Gambino with the fact that I got the leak, I have the album preordered. It’s not so much a review as it is my opinions of the songs and all that jazz.

Because Of The Internet - Childish Gambino

Ever since I saw him in concert at PSU a couple weeks ago and he hinted the new album was on the way, I’ve been hype about this.
There are a ton of skits in this, so if it is one, I’ll just tell you it’s a skit. He uses these to start a new “Act”
When the album is officially released, he said it’s gonna come with like a screenplay or something, so the “Acts” will make more sense then.

The Library (Intro)

This is just a 5 second sound that plays as an intro to the first song on the album.

I.The Crawl

Damn. This song is intense. So much raw energy over a grimy, raw beat. This song really impressed me and I feel it is a great beginning for this album. Gambino comes out so strong and it his flow is on point. I really like the line:

“ I double dare you, I’m Marc Summers
  I scorch winter, I burn autumns.” 

Such a dope line.


I remember when this song came out I couldn’t believe. It leaked on a fight comp on Worldstar and then the song fully leaked. It’s the most hood/ignorant/belligerent song that Gambino has ever mad. The bass is insane and the lyrics are crazy good. I think it’s important that Gambino says that he doesn’t like the people that are on the website “Worldstar Hip Hop” but he wants to be world famous, AKA a “World Star”. This whole idea also fits perfect to the album title.
I also like the part where Steve G is on the phone with him and talks to him about this video on Worldstar that he needs to see. My friends used to do that all the time to me, so it brought back great memories.


Another skit/intro used to set the mood for the next couple songs.

I.The Worst Guys feat Chance the Rapper
This song is really mellow and laid back. Gambino’s verses are really good and his flow is on point like always. I like how he follows “Worldstar” with this song. The guitar in the end is also really soothing and nice.

II.The Shadow

I first heard this song when he played it live here at PSU and here is something that you guys need to know about Gambino. When he plays a song live, even if it’s an emotional one like this one or “Heartbeat” or “L.E.S.” he puts so much energy in it, that it in some way becomes a hype song although it still keeps it’s emotional side to it. The ending of this song is crazy I think.I don’t like the album version of the song, because in the live version, Gambino screams:

“Why aren’t you calling me back?”

Over and over again. The “Calling me back” lines with which the song ends are crazy to me and fill me full of emotion. This is this albums “Heartbeat,” so it’s gonna be overplayed on the radio.

III.Telegraph Ave (“Oakland by Lloyd”)

This song sounds spacey and kinda sounds like an R’n’B song to me. It’s an alright song, it’s only good because Gambino’s verses are on point in it. He talks about his old love in this song. He wants to get back together with her, but they have completely different lifestyles at the moment. It’s a song full of uncertainty, it’s like he’s at a loss with what he should do.
I feel bad for Gambino, because he sounds pained in these songs. We also can’t forget the Instagram letters he wrote, which were hella depressing.


This was the second single released of the album. This shit is so intense. The beat is great and full of energy. This song is pretty much about being rich and having money. It’s the first song that Gambino has ever made like this and I have to say, I like it a lot. It’s a very well made song and it has one of those classic “Gambino stops the beat to talk about the previous line” moments that I love. He also has a crazy fast part on this song. One of the best songs off the album.


I adore this song. It’s perfect. The beat fits perfectly and isn’t too complex or too simple. The hooks sounds great and he raps so hard in this song. It’s a really deep song, about how he misses this girl and about other recent things that are going on in his life. He said in an interview that this was a “supplemental song” and that it can be about whatever you want it to be in your life. I think this is the best song on the album.
I really enjoy the line:

“Girl why is you lying, girl why you Mufasa?”

Like seriously? Lion King reference? That’s so dope. Shoutout to the Lion King.
The second verse of this song is so sad to me. 

Playing Around Before the Party Starts

I think this is Chance the Rapper playing the piano, but I’m not sure. It’s a nice break from the previous songs and it does a great job to set up the next “Act” of songs.

I.The Party

This song begins with people laughing and then the beat comes in and it sounds like a dream. Either a dream or a haze you’re in from being at a party. After the intro Gambino lays down a redic, fast verse. This might easily by the most trill verse on the entire album. The only thing I don’t like is that it ends so fast, but still damn. 

II.No Exit

He starts his verse off by saying: “Can’t Sleep” and the song kinda gives me that insomnia/bad dream vibe. This song sounds like a bad dream to me. I’m not saying that it’s a bad dream, it just sounds like one. Especially with the title being “No Exit” it sounds creepy after the hook. This is a really surreal song. 
I feel like this act is about a party and he took some drug or something and can’t sleep because of it.

Death By Numbers

Another skit/intro for the next Act. This one sounds kinda funky and trippy.

I.Flight of the Navigator

Now I understand “No Exit”, it’s about how he can’t fall asleep after he kicked everyone out of his house during “The Party”. I don’t like this song though. This one really doesn’t appeal to me. I guess I’m just used to Gambino rapping and not singing.

II.Zealots Of Stockholm (Free Information) feat Kilo Kush

I love the beat on this song and I enjoy the singing on this one and then when the beat comes in it gets crazy. It sounds awesome. The beat is insane. It makes the song. Kilo Kush is also on this song, and she actually sounds decent on this song. I love the last verse of this song. It sounds more like spoken word than a rap. It’s great.


This song is kind of weird. It’s like an interlude to transfer you to the final act.

I.Pink Toes feat Jhene Aiko

This is like an upbeat song kind of. I like the beat and when Jhene comes in it sounds amazing. I’m pretty sure that Gambino and her are dating. I hope so, good for him if they are. She’s beautiful and can sing hella good. He made a good song with her.

II.Earth: The Oldest Computer ( The Last Night) feat Azealia Banks

The bass on this song is crazy. Absolutely redic. Nice upbeat beat and nice energy in his verses. This sounds like a club song or a radio song. I could most def see it playing in a club in Stuttgart or on the radio over here in America. I think it’s crazy that he references his own song in this with that “3005” line. Gambino just wants to live forever, but don’t we all?
The outro of this song is so great:

“She got that body, oh me oh my.
Send them pics to my phone, GPOY”

III.Life: The Biggest Troll (Andrew Auernheimer)

Nice German name in the title. That made me smile even more than I already was throughout this album. Andrew Auernheimer is a hacker/troll for anyone that didn’t know who he was. He goes by the alias “Weev”, which also explains the hook of the song. 
I like this song a lot. It’s really deep. At one point he stops the beat and I thought he was gonna tell another story like he did in “Camp”  but then he says: “Still on the beat though” and continues with a new found energy.
I really like the lines:

“She text me: ‘How you gon’ trust somebody when you don’t trust yourself?”
“We are the dreams of our parents lost in the future.
Who hide the deepest desires and wear a mask like a lucha-dor.”

“I could’ve stayed where I was and have a life you’d be proud of.
But I rather chase things never thought of.”

I really like those lines a lot, because they are really deep and make you think.
I don’t know if it’s because I’m listening to the leaked version or not, but my version just cuts of before he finishes the last line and is then silent for the last minute or so.

I was wondering if this album would be better than “Camp” or not. I know I shouldn’t be comparing the two that much, because Gambino grew as a rapper and all that. I’m glad Gambino grew as a rapper, don’t get me wrong. Regardless, “Camp” is still the better album to me. I think that once the album officially releases and we see what Gambino releases with it, the songs might make more sense and my opinion might change, but as of right now I’m gonna stick with my opinion that “Camp” is better. The intros or interludes or skits or whatever you want to call them really threw me off with this album too. I didn’t really like that, even though I understand what he was doing with them and like I said, once the album officially drops everything will make more sense.
Some songs just don’t really appeal to me at all and it feels like some songs are fillers, therefore, I give this a 8.5/10.

Peace guys.

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