Sunday, March 16, 2014

10 Questions With Oxygen Pernell

Yoo, what’s good guys? Sorry I haven’t been posting much lately, I’ve been busy. I have a review done right now, I’m just waiting for a friend to finish his version of it so it’ll be better. The review is gonna have a good juxtaposition, because he loves the album and I don't like it that much.

10 Questions With Oxygen Pernell 

Oxygen Pernell has already been featured multiple times on this blog so I don’t really need to introduce him anymore. 

1. Where did you get your rap name?

That’s a question I often get lol Well one day many years ago I was sitting in my room watching TV with my uncle. At the time I had decided to pursue rap as a profession and I wanted a unique name but at the same time I wanted it to mean something as well. I just so happened to be flipping through the channels when I came across the Oxygen network. It was like a sign from God lol From there I thought about what oxygen means and is and essentially its “the breath of life”. The “Pernell” portion is sort of an add on as I thought “Oxygen” by itself was pretty plain. “Pernell” was actually the name of one of my uncle’s military buddies he was telling me about earlier that day and I just really liked the name so I just put em’ together to make a dope ass unique name lol.

2. Who would you want to collab with?

I’m always down to collab with other dope upcoming unsigned artist like myself. But from a known artist standpoint I’d love to do a track with Kanye West, Big K.R.I.T., J. Cole, Weezy, Kendrick, A$AP Rocky, Wale, Drake & Jay Z. I mean there’s a lot more but we’d be here all day lol At this point though I’m just focused on making my professional debut. 

3. What are your musical influences?

I’m influenced by a lot of things musically. When it really comes down to it though I try to follow my own style as far as making music goes, but I’m influenced by all those rappers I mentioned above, especially the first five. I recall trying to imitate Weezy and Kanye in my rhymes but it too a while to find my lyrical persona. I mean I can go from a conscious track to a chief keef type track with no problem, I never wanted to be boxed in as far as making one type of music, that why one song you hear is lovely dovey and another one is swagged out on some G shit. I can rap on anything, but I really enjoy writing songs for other people. That’s where the real money is!!!

4. When did you start rapping?

I started rapping at 12 yrs old. I was convinced by an old friend of mines to try it out as he rapped and I just wrote poetry. Soon enough I was freestyling over songs on the radio and rapping for my classmates after school. It’s been a process, but I feel its paid off well lol

5. Why did you start rapping?

I just really found rap to be a great way of expressing yourself. I know that sounds cliché  but it really is. I had a lot going on at home and in my mind and it really helped clear my thoughts.

6. Who’s your favorite rapper?

“Ho’l up James imma let you finish reading but “Kanye West” is THE BEST rapper of ALL time!!! (and producer).

7. What’s your favorite PSU memory?

It had to be when me and my homies had this crazy 8 blunt cypher with L’s as long as your half your forearm. I’ve never been so high in my life!!! lol Good times.

8. What’s your favorite food?

General Tso’s and Crab Cakes.

9. What’s your favorite place you have ever been?

I haven’t really traveled much so I can’t say I have a favorite yet, but I went to Disney Land when I was 13 and it was awesome! So I guess there for now lol

10. What’s your favorite type of animal?

Pandas & Penguins. Nothing better than black and white.

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