Monday, March 17, 2014

Knock Madness - Hopsin Review

Yooo, what’s up? Here's my review of Hopsin's album. It's kinda intense.

Knock Madness - Hopsin

Hopsin is quite the character. He usually has a fitted hat on, a du-rag and colored contacts in. I know Brad loves Hopsin, but I’m kind of I guess annoyed by him. He’s good when he raps about personal stuff, but I have a huge problem with something he does. He does it several times on the album. He does this thing where he disses people that are more famous than him to get attention.

The Fiends Are Knocking

The beat of this song is pretty good. It is really energetic and his flow is also solid. That’s how must of his songs are though. As you will see most of his songs sound the same and once you get into the lyrics he’s really cocky and even hypocritical at times.
In this song the fiends he is talking about are his fans because they are addicted to his music. 
The biggest problem for me with Hopsin is that he has this persona that he is the realest rapper and the best rapper. He talks big talk about how he is saving rap and what not. 

Hop Is Back

This is one of the best songs on the album. The beat is good and he has another energetic flow. 
But the lyrics kill it. He challenged Kendrick, which I would usually say is dope, but it’s such a weak attack on him. He said in an interview that he sees himself as Kendrick’s competition. Everyone knows I’m not the biggest fan of Kendrick, but come on dude, you aren’t even close to Kendrick’s level.
I agree with his Yeezus lines and with what he said about Kanye, but again if you are gonna diss someone on a song on your album you better make sure that your album is better than theirs. Honestly, I would rather listen to Yeezus 100 times in a row than listen to one more hopsin song.

Who’s There? feat Dizzy Wright & Jarren Benton

I’ve never heard of Jarren Benton, but he would have had the best verse on this song if he hadn’t seriously brought the lines:

“ It’s Mr. Benton n*gga, y’all fall back
  And lick the crease between my asshole and ball sack.”

Come on dude. Why. Just why. 
Also, Hopsin references Ace Hood in his verse. Further proof that he always has to reference someone else that’s more famous.

Tears To Snow

This song is so stupid. It actually makes me so mad. It’s one of those “ My Life is so hard, because I am a famous rapper that has it made”. He needs to get his head out of his ass. He’s a co-founder of his own label and has made money and still complains about everything. I don’t understand why he is complaining about this stuff.
I also don’t understand how he is saying:

“ Nobody pays any mind to Marcus.”

First off, people like Brad actually care about him. His diehard fans basically. Secondly, he said himself in an interview that he is in the entertainment business. So of course no one is gonna give a crap about you if you are a rapper. You think anyone really cares about how Kanye or Lil Wayne feel? Hell no. Hopsin needs to get his head out of his ass. 

Rip Your Heart Out feat Tech N9ne

This is the best song off of the album by far. The beat is sick and both of them actually go in. Tech N9ne and Hopsin have really good chemistry when they are on a song together. Tech N9ne is the star of this song for sure, but I want to throw some attention on Hopsin’s speed on the last verse. I think it’s really good.

Nollie Tre Flip

This song is dedicated to skateboarding, which made me very very skeptical because of rappers like Lil Wayne. So I looked up videos of Hopsin skateboarding and he can actually skate. This song actually isn’t too bad.

Gimme That Money

I like the feel that the beat gives me on this, but honestly it’s a really boring song.

I Need Help

How the hell is he gonna reference his friends in the hook when a couple of song ago he is complaining how he has no one? The flow is good and the beat is good, but honestly I was just calming down from my annoyance from ‘Tears To Snow’ at this point and this song sent a new wave of annoyance through me. He makes another reference to a famous rapper. I know it may seem stupid that I keep bringing it up, but I want to show how much he tries to get attention through this.

Hip Hop Sinister

I like the energy in this song, but he really needs to simmer down. He’s not doing anything great for rap music. He’s not the savior of rap or anything. No one gives a damn about him. He needs to sit his ass down and check his ego. 

Good Guys Get Left Behind

This song is beyond stupid. So dumb. I’ve never heard of a whiner rapper ever. Drake called, he wants his title as the bitch of rap back. I’m sorry I don’t usually cuss that much in my reviews. I really try not to, but after this line I really need to. He actually brings this line:

“Girl, you was my Bella and I thought I was your Edward Cullen.”

What the actual fuck? Are you a rapper or are you a 10 year old girl? I mean say some trill shit like ‘ You were my Katniss Everdeen and I was your Gale/Peeta’ or just stick with Romeo & Juliet. That was a god awful line. He’s making Lil Wayne’s last mixtape look good.

Bad Manners Freestyle

Ok, so a couple songs ago he talks about respecting a girl and blah, blah, blah and now he comes with the line:

“ I’ve come to the conclusion that life sucks.
  The only good thing that comes out of it is
  Sticking my dick into nice butts. “

He then follows it with saying the ‘C-word’, which you said never say (It rhymes with punt) and a line about doing your wife. Come on dude. I find it hypocritical. It’s stupid. He’s bringing lines that a 12 year old that just found out about sex and bad words. For example:

“ Tell your sister I can’t wait to smash her.
  But I heard that her pussy stinks.
  So make sure that she fucking takes a bath first.”

This next line made me stop the album. I had to stop the album and take a break because I couldn’t believe that he actually would say something like this. He goes:

“ Just sit and listen I’m the new sick edition
  Of Pac. This is the demolition. “

Back the hell up Hopsin. You are not the new Pac. You aren’t even close to Pac, not even on the same playing field. I took a day break in between handwriting my notes and typing them up and I am already mad enough that if I hadn’t spent so much time listening to this trash album and writing notes that I would just dump this review right now.

Old Friend

This song is also known as ‘Ill Mind Of Hopsin 6’ and I actually like it. He actually sounds good in this song. It’s about his meth-head friend named Jesse. I’ll make the comment that it seems like Breaking Bad since Breaking Bad has a character named Jesse, who is a meth-head before everyone else does. In all seriousness though, it is a good song.

Still Got Love For You

I’m at the point where I hate Hopsin as an artist and I hate this song. It’s so stupid.
He gets back with a girlfriend from the past and then finds out that she is pregnant with a child that isn’t his. He pays Child Support for her and whatnot. In one of his previous songs he said that people only want him for his money though. Ugh I don’t understand this guy. HE also talks about how he looks down on whores and blah, but he previously talks about having sex with them and before that he talked about respecting girls. I have no problem with a rapper that disrespects or respects women. It doesn’t affect me. It doesn’t change the fact that I respect them. But at least be consistent with it. Don’t change it every so many songs.

Jungle Bash feat SwizZz

I listened to this song numerous times and the only real thing I could focus on or that was memorable to me was that he referenced Rick Ross. I mean the beat is good and gives it a jungle feel, but it’s nothing special. Just more of the same Hopsin going full blast about stupid things.

Lunch Time Cypher feat G-Mo Skee & Passionate MC

I really, really like the idea of this song. With that being said, he should have found better people to rap on it. I know people that I went to high school with that are on the same level as those two. Hopsin is on his disrespectful shit with this song again. Make up your mind homie.

Dream Forever

Hopsin is the biggest loser I have ever heard of. You guys know me, I always give lesser known rappers a chance, but this guy is something else.This song is about a non-existing girl. It’s the girl of his dreams, because she only exists in his dreams. He kills himself at the end of this song so he can always be with her. 
Is this like some joke or something? It’s so stupid. This guy is literally getting more and more stupid by the song.

What’s My Purpose?

I’m so bored and annoyed at this point. This is a song about how he doesn’t like society and the government and is looking to find his purpose and whatever. He’s so negative all the time.

Caught In The Rain

This is the perfect ending to the album to be honest. He talks about getting rid of Hopsin. He said this in an interview:

“ I still enjoy music, but I’m at a point now where it’s not fun to be Hopsin, because it’s a lot of work and it just annoys me.”

I couldn’t agree more.


I dislike this album so much and I really, really dislike Hopsin. Every song on this album pretty much sounds the same except a couple of them. He has way too much ego. He is a hypocritical, attention seeking, corny ass rapper. He compared himself to Pac, which you just shouldn’t do. I don’t like the way that he has to reference more famous people and whatever. I talked to my grandma about him since I’m at her house right now and she said he was a punk and I couldn’t agree more.

I would give this album a 1/10. I wish I could go higher but that Twilight line made me low-key want to punch someone in the throat. 

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