Sunday, October 25, 2015

GO:OD AM by Mac Miller Review

Yo, what's up guys? I know it's been forever and I'm not going to make any lame excuses about it. Life just happened. It sucks but now I'm trying to change it around. So let's get back on track with this blog. For the past months I've started reviews and then decided not to carry on with them. I guess I just wanted my first review back to be not just a good one, but a great one. I wanted to review an album with which I felt a connection. I believe that this album is that album, but more to that later.

GO:OD AM - Mac Miller

Since no one heard from Mac in like forever and his last mixtape was kind of meh, I wasn't really all that excited when I heard about this album. After I heard the first single I was very excited though. If you look at the album cover and title you can kind of guess that the theme of this album will be something about waking up or a reawakening, but more to that later.


This is a short, nice intro. It sounds like a dream-like sequence of sorts. I really like the lines:

"I know it's been a minute since I've been away.
 Didn't mean to cause you pain, I just needed to escape.
 Ain't saying that I'm sober, I'm just in a better place.
 I'm on my way over, I'm just running kind of late."

It really sets the tone for the whole album. This is like a dream that he has before he starts his album off.

Brand Name

The alarm clock at the beginning of this song further emphasizes the point that the intro was like a dream. It also emphasizes the theme of this album. Mac is starting a new chapter and is in a better place. 
This is has a upbeat beat and Mac talks about how he made himself. He also talks about how he feels like the world is all about brand names that don't really mean anything. He has a valid point if you ask me, I'm guilty as charged though. 
I really like the line: 

" PAs baby, I ain't been to PA lately,
  See I left, they call me shady.
  I'm a white rapper, they always call me shady."

That line is funny because I feel like that is true for every white rapper. My dad even has a theory that all white rappers just want to be like Eminem and have two M's in all of their names. 
Anyways, this is a really strong first song for the album.

Rush Hour

This song has one of the best messages of any song on the album in my personal opinion. The hook of this song:

" I be, I be, I be, I be over shit,
  The world don't give a fuck about your loneliness." 

This isn't supposed to sound all depressing and what not, but sometimes in life you just have to get over yourself. That's what he's saying, you just need to get over yourself because more often than not you will have to deal with your problems yourself. 

The beat also isn't bad and his verses are very strong. All around it's a good song with a deeper meaning.

Two Matches feat Ab-Soul

This song is a sequel to 'Matches' off of Mac's last album. It's not a bad song, it's pretty much just both of them being nostalgic about their lives. It's definitely an interesting song. 
Ab-Soul completely destroys this song and just when you think that there is no way that Mac can top it, he does. So far there is nothing to complain about on this album.

100 Grandkids

This is the song that got me super excited for this album. This song is actually just straight fire. The beat is great, Mac's flow is better than ever and he has some great lines. This is such an interesting song. So Mac said in an interview that this song is broken down into two parts pretty much and I think that if you listen to it you can see what those two parts are. There is the first part that is about giving his mom grandkids and then a second part about 100 Grand AKA money. The beat also changes halfway through so it's easy to see. If you watch the video you can see that it changes the setting when the beat switches. This is easily one of my favorite Mac Miller songs.

One of my favorite lines on this album is on this song:

"But what's a God with a little OD?
  Just a G."

Reminds me of that Gambino line in 'Freaks and Geeks':

"Took the G out your waffle, now all you got left is your ego."

Time Flies feat Lil B

First of all, Thank you Based God. It's like Mac was sitting there and thought about how he could make this album even better and then he got Lil B on it and made it great. This is such chill song and it's made even better because Lil B sprinkles his messages of positivity and wisdom onto the track. Time flies, we just need to stay positive and show each other some kindness.

Weekend feat Miguel

This is hands down my favorite song off of this whole album. The beat is very interesting and captivates you and Mac just flows perfectly with it. I think that everyone can relate to this song, seeing as how when you go out on the weekend you let go of all of your problems and just have fun. 
This is a really uplifting songs, that for some reason makes you feel some type of way during the verses, but then when the hook comes you get mad hype. It's a weird feeling, but it's definitely worth it. I really like the line:

"I'm just out here living decent.
 What does it mean to be a G?"


This is a faster song and just flat out sounds good. Mac goes in on this song. Also shoutout to his Charlie Sheen reference in this song. It's lit. This is most def one of those songs that you bump super loud. Mac Milly really came through with the heat for this one.

In The Bag

Ok first of all. He has Domo and Schoolboy Q doing the two skits, and Juicy J doing Ad-libs for this song. Mac Miller is really living life lavishly if he can just get these people to do that for him. 
When I first heard this song for the first skit I was kind of worried, but then as soon as the beat comes in and I heard Juicy I knew it was about to be a banger. Mac Miller completely snaps on this song. I'm very impressed by this song. Very strong beat, insane verses and great ad-libs and hook. Looking back onto Mac's earlier projects you can really see his growth as a rapper.

Break The Law

Juicy is on this song again, so that's lit. This song has a laid back and relaxing beat. It's something you just want to bob your head to, while Mac glides over the beat without a problem. The beat is kind of dreamy. His wordplay in this song is on point.
This is one of those songs that just puts you in the zone. I caught myself starting to rap along multiple times during this song.

Perfect Circle/God Speed

This is another song that is split into two halves. The first half is about his goal in the rap game and how far he has come. That part is solid. It has a good beat and his verses are very good. What makes this song truly great is the second half. The second half starts with an actual voicemail from when Mac was going through dark times. It's from his brother and it's kind of sad. The second part of the song is one of the realest Mac Miller songs ever. He lays everything out pretty much. 
Personally, I started to dislike Mac Miller a little bit when 'Faces' and 'Delusional Thomas' came out. I said that he took too many drugs and that you could tell. This song kind of clarifies that and I feel like an asshole for thinking that without thinking about what he could be going through. This can be brought back to the line from 'Rush Hour':

"The world don't give a fuck about your loneliness."

It really makes you think. There are two lines that I like a lot from this song. The first one is:

"You make your mistakes, your mistakes never make ya."

This is something that everyone says, but I like the way that it sounds in this song. Basically it's just saying that you shouldn't let your mistakes define who you are. Everyone makes mistakes, it's not that deep. The second line is:

"Every devil ain't got horns, and every hero ain't got capes.
 Opened up my eyes, shit, I'm finally awake."

You can't always tell if someones intentions are good or bad. Not everything in this world is black and white. 

When In Rome

Ok, so first thing about this song, this is hands down the hardest song on the whole album. Mac snaps on this song. This song has me awestruck. The way he switches up his flow in the the third and fourth verses is just completely redic. 
Mac's honestly just flexin in this song. He's just showing off that he can rap over a trap beat and completely destroy it.
The title of this song is a shortened form of the old saying 'When in Rome do as Romans do.' Thats what he does, he takes a beat type that would stereotypically be used by a rapper in the current rap game, but completely destroys it.
This is one of the strongest songs on the whole album and if someone says they don't like Mac Miller, just show them this song and they will change their mind.


This is a slower song, which brings down the intensity level of the album by quite a bit. This isn't a bad thing, it's a nice switch up. This is the type of song that you would tell your significant other or crush to listen to. You can vibe to this song.

Cut the Check feat Chief Keef

When I first saw who was featured on this song I was very skeptical because Chief Keef is, well, Chief Keef. I was pleasantly surprised. First of all you can actually fully understand what Keef is saying and secondly this is Keef's greatest verse ever. It actually has some lyrical complexity to it. Mac also goes in on this song, but he honestly has been this whole album. So far there really isn't a single song to which I would say it's trash or just filler. 


This has another dream-like beat. This is a song about his problems and about how he is overcoming them. It's a chill song, that is deeper than most Mac Miller songs. I think that this is a very interesting song and is definitely worth the listen. 


This song is all about letting go. It's an upbeat song with kind of a dance vibe to it. It makes you want to move. This is an unusual Mac Miller song, but it's enjoyable. Honestly, I think it's one of the weaker songs off of the album, not because it's a bad song, but just because the other ones are so good.

The Festival feat Little Dragon

I think that this is a very interesting way to end the album. This song has a spacey sound to it. Mac's verse is good and I like the Little Dragon part. I'm definitely going to look into them. I think that this is a great ending to the album because it reminds me of the first track and has a clear cut ending with the outro being a voicemail from one of Mac's friends. 


I actually really enjoyed this album if you guys didn't notice. I think that most of the songs are very good and that none of them are weak or bad. I'm happy that Mac made this album because I always wondered what he was doing lately, since nothing new was coming from him. He made a great album, that shows that he is back and that he is in a way awake again. The features were on point, especially the Chief Keef feature. I honestly believe that this is one of the best albums of the year, if not the best and I know for a fact that it is one of my favorite albums.

No promise on when the next review is going to come out, but I think that it'll come out soon, because I already know which one I want to review next.
Take it easy guys.

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