Monday, October 21, 2013

On a personal note...

Hey, it's James. This isn't a post about music or anything. It's more of a personal note. Something I want people viewing the blog to understand.

To me this blog isn't a stupid way to try to get internet famous or some shit like that. It's so much more than that. I know for a fact that several people constantly check this blog and that alone makes me so happy and proud of it. I wanna say thank you to Christine, Jon, Sean, Sam, JT, Ian and Greg. It means so much to me that you guys keep tuning in and are genuinely interested in the non-sense that I have to say. I would keep making posts, even if it was just for you guys. I also want to say thank you to everyone else that has viewed our blog and I have a very special thank you for Mike. I'm glad we made this blog together. I know it might seem that I'm dominating the blog with posts, but thats because Mike is working on his graphic design portfolio among other things, whereas I don't have that much homework this semester and therefore have more free time. I also enjoy writing reviews because it helps me take my mind off of other troubling things that I have been going through lately.
   Lastly, I just want to apologize to someone. I doubt she will ever see this, but I am really sorry for everything. I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings. I never meant for things to go down like they did, but things got out of hand. I wish things could go back to the way they were, but they never will. You know who you are.
Sorry for the personal as fuck post guys. I was just laying in bed and this is the only way I can deal with it. Good night guys, and thank you.



  1. Replies
    1. It was either write that or be up all night feeling like shit. I took the lesser of two evils
