Friday, October 18, 2013

SOTD - James

Yo, sup? My song of the day is coming at you early today. I got something different than rap for you guys.  I’ve been listening to the band that made this song a lot, even since a young age and this song means a lot to me.

Shiksa (Girlfriend) by Say Anything

I remember the first time I ever heard this song when my idol at the time, Charlie, showed me the band during Tennis practice. This song means a ton to me. It reminds me of how proud I used to be in high school when I had a girlfriend and it always reminds me of better times. But enough of that personal stuff, this is a super sick band and it’s a great song. 

I also started to work on the next review, which will hopefully be a joint review with mike. I'll try to finish it in the next couple of days. I hope everyone has a gucci friday and keeps it 3 hunna!

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