Monday, October 21, 2013

SOTD - Mike

Been a day or so, but here's one of the best songs off an absolute classic hip-hop album for the song of the day.

Nas - Life's a Bitch (feat. AZ)

Many debates over the verses on this one, but I think AZ's verse on this is better than Nas', and is definitely up there as one of, if not the, best verse on Illmatic.

"Visualizing the realism of life and actuality
Fuck who's the baddest, a person's status depends on salary
And my mentality is money-orientated
I'm destined to live the dream for all my peeps who never made it
Cause yeah, we were beginners in the hood as 5 percenters
But something must of got in us cause all of us turned to sinners
Now some, resting in peace and some are sitting in San Quentin
Others such as myself are trying to carry on tradition
Keeping this Schweppervescent street ghetto essence inside us
Cause it provides us with the proper insight to guide us
Even though, we know somehow we all gotta go
But as long as we leaving thieving, we'll be leaving with some kind of dough
So, until that day we expire and turn to vapors
Me and my capers, will be somewhere stacking plenty papers
Keeping it real, packing steel, getting high
Cause life's a bitch and then you die"


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