Sunday, November 10, 2013

Beautiful Loser - Kyle Review

Yoo, what is up? I have some free time so I decided to do a review of Kyle’s “ Beautiful Loser”. He used to be known as “K.I.D.” so you guys might know him from that, but prob not. I posted a song by him before, which is probably his best song. Also I couldn't find any good gifs of him or anything so I just kinda gave up.

Beautiful Loser - Kyle

I like this dude. I like the way he sounds. He reminds me of Childish Gambino, Chance the Rapper and a few others.

1.This Is A Hit 

The beat in this is insane. You can really tell that it was produced by The Cateracs, because it just has that feel to it. This is literally a song about this song being a hit. Fitting title because this song is a hit. This song pumps me up and makes me happy. The monologue at the ends reminds me so bad of the story at the end of Gambino’s album, especially the way he talks.

2.Fruit Snacks & Cups of Patron

This song is so redic. Whenever Mike hears this, he just bursts out laughing. I on the other hand, enjoy this song a lot. I don’t know why. It’s just catchy and just sounds good.
This is what he said about it and I think it pretty much sums it up:

“To anyone who listens to this song please actually try mixing the two (Fruit Snacks and Patron) it really tastes stoopidly good af.
This is one of my favorite songs for several reasons. I don’t consider myself to be a “swag” rapper but this shit feels kinda swaggy. I definitely don’t smoke weed but you can fasho smoke to this. It’s ignorant, unique, and fun and was one of my favorite songs to make. Life is fun, don’t take it too seriously, have fun. It will all be good in the end. It will all be good when we’re gone.
My boy Beni Haze produced it so its CLUBBIN!! (not 100% sure what that means yet, but Beni says it all the time and it sounds super cool.)
I took a chance one lonely night and made the most based mixed drink of my entire life and this is what it sounds like.”

I really, really want to try that drink. It’s just a feel good song, that’s supposed to make you feel good. We all just need to feel good about the little things.

3.Focus On You

I like the heavy beat in this and even though it starts out kinda R n’ B-ish, I still enjoy it. His rapping in this reminds me of Chance the Rapper so much. This is like the ultimate love song for someone and usually I hate songs like this, but for some reason I don’t hate this.
4. Bang feat Mr. Man

I really like this song. It’s so hype and ignorant and belligerent. The bass goes hard in this song and the beat is crazy. One of my favorite songs on the album for sure. The video is also really redic.

5. Raining Love

I didn’t really like this song that much at first, because he’s on that Drake shit for the first verse. I mean it’s dope that you can sing and rap, but you should just rap bruh bruh. Then the second verse comes and he starts rapping and I like the first couple lines:

“One time for the girls in the sweaters,
Who do everything better than our exes, right?
Two times for the girls with the curls
And an ass like they got down in Texas, right?”

I don’t like the second part of those lines that much, but the first one is tight. I can relate to the line that goes:

“Had me like ‘damn’ when I seen your face.
Made me forget what I had to say.”

That has literally happened to me several times on campus, where I have completely lost my train of thought and stopped talking mid-convo because I’ve just seen someone that was so beautiful that I was speechless. Despite this, it’s still only an aight song in my book, because of the singing verse.

6.Keep It Real

This song is insane. I like the beat and I like his verses a lot. His verses are just straight up rap and then he comes in with that softer hook, great contrast in this instance and it fits very well together. One of the better songs on the album.


This is such a weird song. He’s obsessing over a girl with a fat ass, but the ending part with the pictures of her taking a shower and shit is kinda weird. Like I know he said they were her Facebook pictures, but damn yo, that shit is still weird. Also the chorus is just about swimming in vagina. I don’t like this song that much.

8.Love 4 You

This is another weird love song about how he has love for his girl and for some of her friends as well. I actually enjoyed this song though and like I said earlier I usually hate love songs. The beat is dope in this one and his flow is really good.

9.Sex & Super Smash Bros

Mike should enjoy this song, because he loves Super Smash Bros. His first verse is all laid back and chill and I like how he says “remix” at the end of it and the whole beat changes. His second verse makes me laugh because it just sounds redic, the way he keeps saying “though”. I’m not saying it sounds bad or anything, because I actually enjoy it a lot. I really like this song.

10.When Can We

I like this song, it’s upbeat and kinda sounds happy, even though he is describing how fake his ex has become and how he wishes they could be friends, etc.
Shout out to my Ex, because this song describes her, just that I don’t want to love her again, but being friends would be trill.


I like the way this song sounds. It’s upbeat and just sounds fun (see what I did there?). His flow is sick as always and yea.
At first this song sounds like a super happy song about having fun and all that, but at the end after the beat stops he talks about how it’s actually a breakup song. Him singing at the end brought down the whole mood of the song. Emotional AF, that’s all I have to say to that. All she wants to have fun and he doesn’t want to have her type of fun.

12. To Do List feat CP

Guess what this song is about? You got it, it’s about a girl. I don’t really like this song that much, besides his actual verse. CP isn’t really that great and I kind of am bored by these love songs at this point. We get it Kyle, you like to have sex with girls. His verse goes really hard though, I’ll give him that.

13. View From Hollywood

I dig this song. It’s a mellow/sadish song, especially the second verse. It’s a song about how he’s gonna be famous and at the top, but gonna be sad and alone. This song kinda shows that he is deeper than just a love song maker.

14. A Okay

I really like this song as well. The beat is so sick and so is his flow. This song sounds so good. He really goes in on this song. One of my favorite songs on the album. I’ve had this song on repeat for awhile. I really like the hook of this song as well.

15. GirlsGirlsGirls

This is a song just about how much he likes girls. I didn’t mind it that much, it’s aight.
It’s a chill song nether-less. 

16. Deeper feat Beldina

This song is just a song about how he’s gonna have sex with a girl while his parents aren’t home. I don’t really like this song that much and I have to complain about something right now. Dude, you are a rapper. I know you are only 19, but still. You rap for a living. You seriously still live with your mom?

Ok, so this album has some goods and some bads. I’ll talk about the bads first. Too many love songs/songs about him having sex with girls. I’m all for the occasional rap song about those topics, but not so many on one album/mixtape. The goods are his flow and how hard he goes when he raps in some of his songs.

I give “Beautiful Loser” a 7.5/10.

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