Sunday, November 10, 2013

Photography Rant

I'm extremely pissed off right now.

My Highlight of the week was doing this photography series, which started out as a serious thing, but I changed it into a humorous one. I decided that I'm sick and tired of the idea that photography has to be perfect and 100% serious. Pardon my french, but fuck that shit. I want to take pictures and make them into whatever I want too. I want to have fun with what I do. Sure I want pictures that convey emotions and all that, but the way I see it, I already have all that. My favorite picture I ever took, because it has so much meaning and emotion is the most under appreciated picture I have taken. It makes me so mad, like furiously so. A picture of a fucking cat or of a stupid ass line of trees is more appreciated than the picture that I feel has a huge range of emotions associated with it.

 Fuck that cat, yo. I'm not saying it's a bad picture of anything, but seriously? It just makes people go "awwww." How is the cat better than this picture?

Like honestly, I have always loved this picture. Not because I relate to it or anything, but I find it the most interesting and most emotional. It can show so much, ranging from the bottle being symbolic for someone being broken to a symbol for alcoholism controlling someones life to a symbol about beating alcoholism. But no one cares about that. But all throughout my Photography career (or whatever you want to call it) it's only been the picture of my Baby Bro and the stupid tree one. I'm sorry I'm ranting so damn much, it just makes me so angry. I had more fun doing these other picture than any of the other pictures in my entire life.

Like they are so redic and it was so fun doing them. Mike and me were just dying as I was making them at his house.
I'm not saying that I won't continue doing my normal photography and what not, but I'm sure everyone has noticed that lately I have just been taking pictures that I like taking, not pictures that other people will necessarily like.
Sorry for this rant guys. I've just been super annoyed with it lately.

1 comment:

  1. WHATEVER ..... Tell us how you really feel. My favorite photo of the ones above is the "stupid ass line of trees". The silhouette of the trees against the magnificient clouded sky is breathtaking. The light of the sun beaming through gives me a feeling of spirituality. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Take more pictures!
