Wednesday, November 20, 2013

New Photo Series/Project and First Picture Explained

Today I started a new photography series/project that is going to focussed around self-portraits and the question: “Who am I?” I want to talk about one of the first ones I took for this series, because I feel like a lot of people are just going to laugh at this and not think about it at all.

A Lot of people are gonna see this picture and laugh about it, because they might see it as kind of ridicules. For me on the other hand it’s a very emotional picture and I see it as my first good self-portrait. I say this because it shows a small part of me. It shows the part of me that is always kind of lonely, regardless of being around other people or not. It’s also symbolic for my life as of right now, because I’ll start drinking during the weekends and then won’t feel like going out anymore so I’ll just stay in by myself, essentially having spent the night drinking by myself and watching movies. I don’t want to sound depressed or anything, because as of right now, I am quite content with life. The beer costume is supposed to be symbolic for the way that a lot of my friends think that all I am is a big party animal. I think everything came together perfect for this picture and that it is one of my better pictures. I really want to express my self with this project and I think that this is a good start to doing so.

(Click on the picture to see a bigger version)

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