Monday, February 10, 2014

10 Questions with James

Ayyy, what’s up?
I’m wanna start this new post series called: “Ten questions with…”
Where I just ask people 10 random questions as like an interview or something. I don’t know, I’ll figure it out somehow. 
I’ll just start with one of me, because people have been asking me amusing things lately. Yes these are all real questions from people.

Ten Questions with James 

Yoo, you guys know who I am. So I’m just gonna get into this.

Do you have any nicknames, if so favorite and least favorite?

Too many to count. People call me: Pritch, Germany, Deutschland, JPTrech, JPTrill, JFugo and more. My favorite has to be “The Party King of Patch High School,” but that was while I was still in high school. My least favorite has to be “JFaggot.” The best friend of one of the girls I was hooked up with my freshmen year of high school called me that. #NeverForget.

What’s your motto?

I have several, but the most important one is: “Wer aus sich einen Narren macht verliert den Schmerz ein Mensch zu sein.”
In English that means: “ He, who makes a fool of himself loses the pain of being human.”
It’s just something to think about.

Favorite alcoholic drink?

Gotta go with the Jäger or the OE.

What’s up with you and OE? You have that necklace and talk about going ‘OG with the OE’ a lot.

Well the thing with me and 40s is that they were basically all I drank while in Germany and even now. They made me. My whole group always drank 40s, it was just our thing. They just became part of my life. I’m known for doing Edward 40 hands and yea. The necklace just was too perfect for me not to get. You can just look back at my motto and it helps explains the reasoning for that. I don’t take myself too seriously and I also give respect where respect is due. I have crazy respect for OE. The saying goes back to when I was drinking 40s with the homie JT and he just said it and idk it stuck with me. Also the rappers I like a lot often reference 40s. From the classics to the recent ones.

Favorite memory from the summer? 

My most recent one has to be when me and Ian went to the JuHa in Herrenberg and were alone on the dance floor chugging our handles of Bacardi Hurricane and Long Island Ice Tea and I got so wrecked that I was seeing triple, but somehow got this girls number and right after they left I went to the bushes and puked. I thought I was talking to her for 5 min but apparently I was talking to her for over 30 min and her guy was getting angry. Luckily Ian was playing defense. I don’t know why, but it was too perfect. Still don’t know how we made it home that night.

Are you proud of yourself?

I am extremely proud of myself. I’m the best version possible of me. I’m working hard to do something with my life and I’m having fun while doing it.

What’s the point of your blog? Does anybody even read it?

I’m counting this as two. I talked about this before. It doesn’t matter to me how many people read my blog. I don’t really care. I know of 5 people that for sure actually check it every day and read it. I don’t do it just for people to read it. I do it because it helps to make the stress of my daily life go away and I love music. I truly do.

Do you really make money off your blog?

Barely. It doesn’t even really matter. I make like $10 tops off of it. Like I said I don’t do it for that. I mean it’s sick, cuz I’m getting paid for something I would do for free.

What’s your most used word or phrase?

Trill, gucci, dope, dank, or straight mafia.

What’s your favorite movie?

Cabin in the Woods, hands down.

So there is that. I’m gonna try to get different people to do this with. We’ll see. If not I’ll just maybe make it a question thing with me. If you have any questions for me just shoot me an email at or on the facebook page for the blog here.

Thanks guys. Good night.

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