Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Kill Em' All - Kao The Great Review

What’s good?
Left Boy review is coming soon.
Dope mixtape review today.

Kill Em’ All - Kao The Great

This guy was on my last “Rapper To Watch” post. He’s super trill and makes super good music. You can check out his music here.
I think his logo is super sick and I actually pre-ordered a crew neck from his clothing brand last month.

Romeo & Juliet 

The intro to this song is so angelic sounding. It’s epic. I didn’t know what to expect when I first heard it. Then after about 40 seconds of it the beat and Kao simultaneously drop and Kao absolutely kills it. I really enjoy songs where the rapper just straight up raps without a hook and this is one of those songs. 
At first he talks about how he dreamed of being a rapper from the age of 13 and other things. He also talks about how he has to make sure that people remember him, but his mom doesn’t like that life choice. 
I really like the horror movie reference when he says:
“ Far as other rappers go
  I’m gonna kill em’ all
  Got my Jason mask and my chainsaw. “

Rap Game Killa.
I also really like the lines:

“And that’s when it occurred to me, that I wasn’t a pion,
I was Royalty.”

I think it’s dope that a rapper can make a deep song like this while still going in and not sounding as if he was a whiny lil broad.

Way Up

This song has another one of those intros where you don’t know what’s gonna come until the beat fully comes in. It’s a trill beat though. 
This song is about how he’s been through rough times, but is on his way up and once he gets there he will provide for his family and himself. I think that is super respectable. I hate when rappers just rap about cars, broads and riches. I mean I listen to that stuff too, but I would rather listen to stuff with meaning. 
I really like the lines:

“As god is my witness, that’s my word.
I’m gonna get what I deserve.”

I just think it’s dope that he’s doing what he wants in his life and succeeding while providing people with trill ass music in the process. 
This song has a sick build up around the 2 min mark and the drop, if I can call it that, is super sick.


Another trill ass beat, what is up with this guy’s beat selection? Too good. 
I believe this song is about a girl since the chorus talks about how she just wants to be loved.
His flow is really good in all of the songs. 
This one line made me laugh so hard when I first heard it:

“I’m just trying to make every little thing count.
Like teaching math to a midget.”

I think that’s a super clever line.

Against Me

This beat reminds me of a Cudi song, it sounds so epic. His flow on this is again completely redic. I really don’t understand how he isn’t more known.
He talks about getting love from european fans, which is ironic because I’m from Germany and he’s one of my favorite rappers right now and I’m from Germany. Shoutout to the 0711 and to BB. 
He has a line which goes:

“I wish that y’all could see the transformation
  from a young dealer to a public figure”

So I guess that he used to be a drug dealer, which means that 2 of my favorite rappers used to be drug dealers. Weird.
I also really like the line:

“I like my cars like I like my women; Topless.”

Clever play on the “I like my coffee like I like my women” saying. 

Royal Fvmily

No, I didn’t spell ‘family’ wrong, that’s how the song is titled. 
I really, really like this song. It’s one of my favorite songs on the mixtape. The beat is as usual sick and he also goes in on this song. 
I guess I just really like things that have to do with Royalty, as you can see by my ”Royalty” review last week.
But anyways, this song is sick. His flow is dope and the speech on the end is hella motivational. 


At first this song is all mellow and chill so I thought it was gonna be a chill/love song, but then Kao comes in with great energy. This is another trill beat and his flow is also really dope. He has a really solid rapping style.
Kao really likes his cars, he makes several references to dope car brands throughout the mixtape. 
At about 1:55 the beat starts getting redic hype. Sounds sick.
I like the lines:

“Look at me now,
It’s a bird, it’s a plane.
Nah, it’s Kao The Great”

I thought that, that was a good superman reference.

Somewhere In Ohio

He actually sampled Jay-Z in this song, which is beyond dope. He talks about where he’s from and his past experiences.
He also talks about how his twitter is crazy and I can confirm that. First off, he always tweets dope things. Second off, he will sometimes tweet “Quote this with a selfie” or something like that and then within a couple min my timeline will be full of beautiful girls that he retweets. It’s the best. 
Some dope lines are:

“A perfect world in my head.
Yea, a perfect girl in my bed.”

Part of his perfect world is having a perfect girl in his bed.
I also think that these lines are super good:

“These rappers got me furious,
When you’re dressed in a gimmick,
How can I take you serious?
She has no interest in being a girlfriend.
She just wants to drink and do drugs.
I let her get fucked up,
Cause the world is.”

The first 3 lines have a valid point about rappers nowadays. You have people like Lil Wayne that are fake gang members or Rick Ross, who acts all gangster when he used to a parole officer. I feel like Rick Ross should have negative streetcred due to that.
The last 4 lines are also interesting. He’s talking about a girl he’s chillen with, but she has no interest in love. All she wants to do is get wrecked. and he lets her, because the world is messed up. I don’t know, I just think it’s interesting. 


This is my favorite song off of the mixtape. It’s insane. The beat is bonkers and he completely destroys it. He is so full of energy and lets loose on this song. 
There are a ton of lines that I really, really enjoy, so let’s get at it.

“ I mean damn homie,
  Back in high school you was the man, homie.
  Now you bagging groceries.
  Ha, I wonder how that feel.
  Yea, I guess Karma’s real.”

Shoutout to all the assholes from patch. I don’t mean that towards anyone I know that actually is working there, I mean that to everyone that is doing nothing with their life, working as a bagger, who was an ass back in high school. 

“I never wish bad on a person.
I feel every action has a purpose.”

This is definitely gonna be on my next “Words Of Wisdom.” Such good lines. It’s true, everything you do has an effect and does something and you shouldn’t wish bad on people. I know people are gonna be like: “what about [insert horrible dictator here]?” Just don’t even start with that, you know what I mean. 

“I openly represent what I stand for.”

Everyone should do this, if you don’t represent what you stand for then you don’t really stand for it.
After his really, really good verse the song breaks into a Lady Gaga sample, which I find crazy. It’s such a good outro for the song and the album. 

This was a really impressive mixtape. The beat selection was on point, it had great energy, and it wasn’t too long. In my opinion there are no real negatives. 
I really don’t understand how he isn’t bigger. He should be huge. He has a new project coming out soon that I’m really interested in. 
I’d give this mixtape a 9/10 and I hope he keeps up the good work.


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