Tuesday, March 4, 2014

100th Post

This is it guys! The 100th Post!
This is just a post talking about the blog and saying thank you.
I’m really bad at writing thank you posts but I’ll try my best.
The songs i'm adding to it have nothing to do with the post, besides the fact that they are trill songs. They are supposed to make the post look nicer.

Thank You Guys So Much!

Thank you guys so much. I’m so proud of where the blog is right now and how much positivity it’s receiving. 
When I started it on the 14th of November 2013 I never thought anyone would really take an interested in it at all. It started out with Mike and me just wanting to do music reviews and stuff, but then it became much more for me, especially after Mike left the blog. There wasn’t some big fight or anything like that, he just had other things to do. 
For me the blog is much more than just a place where I review albums/mixtapes and funny stories or rants and whatnot. For me it’s a place where I can show people new music and kind of help lesser known rappers get more exposure. I mean I know it’s not much, but every little bit helps. 
I was looking back on my earlier posts of the blog and I noticed how much better I have become at writing these reviews and such. A lot of people have asked me how I write my reviews and why it takes so long, especially with this Schoolboy Q review that I have coming out soon. First I listen to the entire project at least once in one sitting. Then I listen to every song and take bullet point notes by hand and go through the album like that. This is the longest part of the whole process, I can listen to the song upwards of 10 times in a row while I’m writing about it and for the last few reviews it’s been over 7 pages of notes for each. Afterwards I type it all up, check which songs have music videos for them and find gifs to add to the post to make it more visually appealing. If it’s a short project (5-7 songs) I’ll just add each song to the post to make the listening easier. 

I’ve had so many different types of posts on the blogs too. I’ve had drink reviews, that I plan on continuing when I turn 21 and it’s easier to get booze. I’ve had music horoscopes, that I don’t know if I should continue them or not. (I’ll prob add a poll thing again). I’ve had personal posts, such as my rant about photography and me talking about how I changed my life around. I had one controversial post, which was about when I got cat-fished and the girl thought we were gonna date and what not. That was taken down though, because I felt it was very mean and put me in a negative light. It painted me as something that I am not, but whatever. There are also the ‘Words Of Wisdom’, ‘Rappers To Watch’ and many more things like that.
This blog means a lot to me. It helped me realize who I am and become a lot more comfortable with myself. I’ve noticed things about myself that I couldn't have otherwise have noticed. This blog also motivates me to be productive and get things done. Whenever I’m really stressed I just sit down and start a review and everything gets better. I really hope that this blog shows my love for music. 
Now to the real reason for this post. I want to say thank you to everyone that views this blog or has anything to do with it. Thank you to anyone that has ever given me positive feedback or talked to me about it. Thank you to Mike for the dope logos and for starting this with me. Thank you to the people that check the blog daily for new stuff. Thank you to every rapper I featured on this blog or who has talked about it. A special thank you to Kao The Great, DoughNuts, Oxygen Pernell and FedyP. You guys are trill. Another special thank you to anyone from my family that views the blog, even though it has bad language and music that they don’t listen to. The biggest thank you has to go to my amazing Grandma, who has been reading and voicing her opinion about my blog since the start, even though the music is the complete opposite to what she listens to. 
I am extremely proud of Stuttreach and am extremely excited to see what is next in store for it. Thanks homies! Much love.

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