Monday, March 30, 2015

Ozone by Oxygen Pernell Review

Hey, wassap, hello? I know it’s been quite a while since I’ve posted something, but the blog is back now. I got burnt out from writing all those reviews and lost focus. I thought long and hard about what should happen to the blog and what I should do. I decided that I am going to shoot for one review per week. This is to take my time and do it right. Of course I might still do more reviews per week and bring the Top Ten lists back, but that all depends on how I feel. What you guys should expect is a review every week between friday-sunday and a Top Ten during the first week of the month. I just moved back to America about a week ago so it might be a bit shaky during the first month, but I will do my best to keep the schedule as planned.

The homie Oxygen Pernell just released his mixtape Ozone and I decided that that would be a good project to review as the come back of Stuttreach. I’ve featured him several times on the blog and as some of you might recall, I even shot a music video for him before. 

Anyways, without wasting any more time lets get down to it.

Ozone - Oxygen Pernell

I wanna make something clear before I go any further into this review. Oxygen and me are homies, but that doesn’t mean that I will just praise his music. I give my honest opinions on anything that I review on this blog. If I don’t like a song, that doesn’t mean it’s trash, that just means it’s not my cup of tea. I’ll let you guys know if I really think a song is trash.

Candy Paint

I'm not gonna lie, I was mad stoked once I heard that Oxygen was finally going to drop his mixtape. We talked a bit about it while we were shooting the music video. I have to say this song lived up to my personal hype for it. 
I think that this is a well fleshed out intro for the mixtape. It has a very interesting beat. That guitar solo at the end is a really good ending to the song. His rapping sounds crisp and is on point.
I really like the line: 

" We done been through hell, that's why my N*ggas draped in ice this frigid."

This song just gives me good vibes and I find it really catchy.

Last King

This song sounds like it belongs on Yeezus. It's such a Kanye-type song and I love it. This might be one of the strongest songs in his catalog. His flow is really good on this song. I wanted to talk about the growth that I can see from Hypersonic to this song, but they were made at around the same time I think. Don't get me wrong, Hypersonic is mad trill, but this song is on like a different level. Maybe it's because they are too different types of songs, who knows?
In this song he talks about meeting Kanye. I don't know if it's true or not, but the lines about that are so dope. I also like how he keeps referencing the pharaohs. 

Black Vibe

I've been listening to that new Kendrick, just like everyone else has been lately and when I saw the title of this song I thought about Kendrick right away. I thought that the subject matter would kind of be the same and it is. 
I have a lot of respect for this song, because if your making a song with a socio-political message behind it has to be good and this song does just that. I think it's a great song and it definitely is one of the strongest songs off of the mixtape.
I don't think that I have ever heard him rap this intensely and I am impressed. This is a pretty intense song.

Game time ( I Ball)

He keeps the energy from the previous song going with this song. This is a mad hype song. I think that this is my favorite song that Oxygen has ever made. The lyrics are good and clever and the beat is great. The hook is also very strong. My personal favorite line from this song has to be:

" Dated the daughter of Satan, we had a fire relation"

Second Chance

This song slows down the mixtape. The beat is slower and more relaxed, but he still raps with energy. He is consistent with his lyricism and his clarity. Usually I'm not into these types of songs, but I find this song interesting, partially because of the beat and partially because of the flow. This song is a good bridge to bring the intensity of the mixtape to a lower level. It's a great stand alone song and a great transition.

Say It

This honestly isn't my type of song. But like I said earlier, that doesn't mean that this song is trash. It's actually a pretty good song. It has a very interesting story about how he cheated on his girl, but he learned his lesson and has become a better man. Cheating is messed up, but I still like the story of this song regardless. His flow is also on point. I still think it's a strong song, even though it's not one of my favorites. I can't quite lay my finger on the reason why I don't like this song. Maybe it's the hook, I don't know.


I really like the beat and his flow on this song. It's an interesting song in which he talks about what he wants out of life. I think that there is great symbolism in this song. The title of this song is photographs and it is about making memories and making a lasting impression in this world. A photograph lasts for ever pretty much and doesn't a song last forever too? This song is about being remembered. Isn't that what everyone wants out of their life? To have made a difference and be remembered by future generations?

 Rearview feat Paul Loiugene

This is a super laid back song. I feel like this song should be played in a hookah bar. It would be really fitting for that. The guitar is also very nice in this song. Other than that, I'm not a real fan of this song. I don't know why, but it just doesn't appeal to me.

10 AM

This is another song that is super chill, but doesn't really appeal to me. He kind of reminds me of Schoolboy Q on this song, so it's not that bad.

Workin' feat Kristen Costa

This is a great ending to the mixtape. It's more upbeat and has more energy than the last couple songs so it even outs the energy level of the mixtape. This song leaves me hungry for more. He talks about how he's working hard for everything and you can really tell that he is and I'm excited to see what he brings out next.
This is a great ending for a very strong mixtape.


I thought that this was a very strong and a very interesting mixtape. There isn't really a moment where it gets stale or boring. I didn't want to skip a single song, which is rare for a project to achieve. It has great beats and Oxygen really has some good lines.
The only thing I didn't really like were those 3 songs, but that was just personal preference. Other than that it was a great mixtape. I would give it a 8.5/10. 

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