Sunday, December 11, 2016

Missed Calls - Tunji Ige Review

Ay, what's poppin? Hope you guys are doing well. I got a new review for you guys today and while it isn't a hella mainstream artist, I hope you guys still enjoy.

Missed Calls - Tunji Ige

I actually know pretty much nothing about this guy. I saw someone tweet the preview for his new music video that came out the other day and it sounded lit so I listened to the song and it was actually really good.

Change That

This song starts out with hella noise. Like it's low-key a weird ass intro but once the beat comes fully through and he starts doing his thing, it's good.
I think this alone makes this project seem very interesting, because this beat kind of grabs you and there are multiple levels to it. My only complaint about it is that it is kind of hard to hear what he is saying at first. For some reason his voice just doesn't come through as strong until he raps. He has some really good lines in this song, my favorite being:

    " Gotta take L's if you wanna be a winner,
      So we face L's"

This is an interesting play on words because for those of you who don't know, an 'L' is a loss but to 'face an L' means so smoke a blunt. It's like he's bringing that solid advice with you can't always win, but then just smoking mad blunts to even it out.
I really think that this is a strong intro for the album, although I don't like the beginning all too much, it still grabs you and then he delivers a strong verse.


I really enjoy this song. It's a slower song with a pounding beat and smooth vocals over it. This is a good song to listen to when you just wanna vibe and chill. It's an interesting change from the previous song.
I like the way that this album is built so far, with both songs being vastly different.

Fired Up

I like this beat a lot. It's very energetic and it's hard not to move with the beat when you are listening to this song. One could almost say that the beat is fired up (y'all know I had to you with the quick dad joke). On a serious note I really like the way he effortlessly flows on this beat.
This is a very interesting song. 
He perfectly describes himself with the following line, which might also be the best part of the song:

    " It's the post-backpack, post-swagrap, the end of trap, and it's not wack."

The reason that I say that that might be the best part of the song is because of the way he delivers said line over the beat and because it's a complex way to describe one's music.

So I took a break from reviewing for awhile and once I resumed this review I decided that the first line of this song is actually my favorite line of all this whole album.

    "The lost art of the nonchalant flex."

This whole song is really strong and the first verse might actually be the best verse on this whole project content and delivery wise.
On My Grind

This song is such a lit song and might possibly be my favorite song off of this album. It's honestly between this song and the next one.
The beat in this song is super energetic and very well made.
This song is full of quotables. There's actually too many for me to list.
His flow on this song is actually redic. His verses are very strong and the hook is extremely catchy.
If you are only going to listen to two songs off of this album, then it should be this one and the next one. All songs are worth a listen though.

Bring Yo Friends

This is the first song of his that I had heard and it made me want to check out the rest of his stuff because it is just that good. This is that one track that just grabs you.
The beat starts off interesting and easily keeps your interest throughout the entirety of the song. The background vocals also add to this effect.
Now add very nicely written verses and you basically have this song.
This is one of those songs that hype you up a lot when it comes on.

All Night

This song has a pretty interesting beat to it. The build up is pretty good and I find it interesting how the beat kind of changes. But honestly aside from that I'm not the biggest fan of this song.
It's by no means a bad song, but I find myself skipping this song more often than not. I do really like the beat though.


This is a really different song than the other ones and I'm not mad at it.
At first I really didn't care too much about this song, but then I actually listened to the lyrics of the verses and that completely changed my view on this song. I really like it now.


Since it took me several months to review this project because I low-key sic, I have to say my opinion of this project has been thought over a lot and seeing as it's one of those projects that I consistently listen to, I would say that it is a pretty good project. Strong beats, interesting lyrics and a all around good.

I would give this a 4.5/5.

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