Sunday, December 25, 2016

Stoney - Post Malone Review

Hey guys, the new Post Malone album finally came out and here's my review for it. This album was actually delayed for quite a while as it was supposed to be released in August.

Stoney - Post Malone

Ok, before I go any further I need to address the fact that this album cover is really cool looking. It's a very interesting picture.
I also need to dedicate this review to Liz, because I honestly have never met someone who dislikes Post Malone that much. She dislikes Post Malone as much as I dislike Tyga or Hopsin and that is saying a lot. Of course this motivated me even more to review this album.
One of these songs appeared on his last mixtape, and I'm not going to review it again. If you guys want to see what I thought of this song feel free to check my review of his August 26 mixtape here. But anyways let's get to this review.

Broken Whiskey Glass

I think that this is a great intro to the album. It starts out with this slow build up and it keeps this low-key beat to it for most of the song. It's a very interesting beat, that I would describe as dreamlike. It sounds downright majestical. 
The way that his voice sounds on this song also adds to the whole vibe of this song.
There is a part in this song where the beat kind of gets a bit faster and he starts actually rapping. While that is hands down the best part of this song, the whole song in general is really good. It's a very good intro to the album. 
This song is very well produced and is a very mellow and laid back song. It pulls you into the album and makes you want to listen to more of it. 

Big Lie

First of all, it's been a quick minute since I've heard DJ Mustard's intro and as always, it is greatly appreciated. This song has a nice beat to it. It's upbeat and energetic, yet still kind of has a dreamlike undertone which adds a lot to the song and the general feel to the album so far. This combined with the lyrics make this a very interesting and catchy song.
This is just one of those songs that you can vibe too.

Deja Vu feat Justin Bieber

I didn't know how I was going to feel when I first saw that Justin Bieber was on this song. Bieber is iffy, certain songs he has are fire, while other are basura. I'm glad to say that the Biebs adds a lot to this song. They both have a great synergy on this song. This isn't a song for crazy lines or anything, it's just a song that you chill out to. It has a strong beat and the lyrics sound clean. This makes this an enjoyable song, even though there are no memorable lines in it.
So far the first three songs don't really have any memorable lines, the only real memorable thing about them is their vibe. 

No Option

I don't really mind this song all too much. The beat isn't too bad and lyric wise it isn't too bad. The only real issue I have with this song is that during the hook his voice annoys me. I like the rest of the song a lot. Like I said, the beat is great and so are the verses. It's not even the whole hook, it's just about half of it. It still just bugs me.


This song completely switches gears. It seems darker and this change up pulls the listener in. 
The beat is not as upbeat or dreamy as the other ones so far and lyrical the hook is a switch up. In this hook he talks about how he has jewelry on his wrist, but he would still die for his girl. 
Although this song is kinda darker than the previous ones, it still is a very laid back song. 
It's a nice switch up, but at the end of the day, it's a stereotypical Post Malone song. All of the songs so far have been songs where within the first 15-30 seconds of hearing them, you can tell it's a Post song. That isn't a bad thing, I just feel like there needs to be a switch up soon.

White Iverson

This is the song that brought Post Malone to everyone attention. I don't really want to talk too much about this song, but I think that the reason that this song blew up so much was due to the fact that it has a very dreamy beat and the hook is very laid back and catchy, but he also has a very strong rap verse. His flow is very good on this song, I actually really enjoy this song since I haven't heard it in a quick minute. I can understand why a lot of people will say that they hate this song since it was hella overplayed when it first came out.
Another reason this song blew up is because there wasn't really anyone that sounded like this before. Post Malone basically made this sound into what it is today and I think that we should appreciate that. The only thing is that this type of music, like every kind of music, needs to have some growth. So far on this album I haven't really noticed too many moments of growth except for a couple of them. As said before, so far it's all been stereotypical Post Malone songs. This wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, if this wasn't an 18 song album. We are a third of the way through and although the songs by themselves aren't bad, it's hard to keep interest in them as a group. We need a change soon.
In my honest opinion this song, although it is very good as a stand alone, should have been left out. It's been out since before his mixtape came out. I'm not going to look it up, but I want to say it's been out since 2015. It should have been cut. 

I Fall Apart

Just when I was complaining about the fact that there needed to be change on the album this song comes along. You can tell straight from the beginning that this is gonna be a different song, from the choir like beginning to the piano playing. This song kind of makes you more interested in the album, because it's a little fresh, although not completely. I don't know why, but even though the beat is not a usual Post beat, it still has that Post Malone vibe to it. This is still a very welcome relieve from the usual.


Oh look, we are back to the normal Post Malone type of song. 
I need to say, as a stand alone I really like this song. It might actually be one of his strongest songs. The beat is very upbeat and the way he flows over the beat sounds wonderful. So by itself this song is very strong.
The only problem is that we are eight songs deep into this album and most of the songs sound similar.  Before anyone says that they all have different subject matters and what not, let me tell you that, that really doesn't matter all too much since they become forgettable due to the fact that they sound so similar. 
Before this album dropped there were 5 songs already released and this is one of them. While there were 5 available, two of them had already been released prior and this song was one of the new ones. At that moment this song was amazing. Now that the whole album is realized it's a good song, just in a bad spot. 

Go Flex

So fun fact, I actually accidentally skipped this song and didn't notice until I had finished the next five songs. So if you want skip this song and read the next five songs and then come back to this one, it really doesn't matter at this point.
I really like the song actually. There's something about this song that I just really like. I don't know if it's the beat, his flow or just the lyrics. This is one of the only songs where I can actually remember the lyrics to. 
Personally this song is one of my favorite if not my Post Malone songs.

Feel feat Kehlani

Although this song starts out sounding just like the other ones, it stands out to me, due to the feature. Kehlani makes this song, because she adds something fresh to this song. 
That freshness is undercut by Post's ending to this song. It's just the same old.
I feel bad for being this critical of all of this, because if this was a stand alone song or part of a shorter mixtape or hell even just part of a shorter album then I think that this would be a great addition.

Too Young

This is the second song that helped him blow up. It's very similar to White Iverson. I feel like this song and White Iverson are pretty much interchangeable as of right now. They both suffer from the same exact things. Lyric-wise I like this song more than White Iverson.
In my opinion this song is basically just a better sounding White Iverson and it doesn't need that at this point and time. It needs something fresh.

Congratulations feat Quavo

I feel like a broken record since this song suffers from exactly the same shortcomings as the other ones have. If this song was apart of a shorter project or just a stand alone it would be wonderful. As a part of this album, it just doesn't add anything new.
Don't get me wrong, I actually like this song quite a bit. I like the beat and I like the way that both of them sound. I enjoy the fact that Quavo is on this song. I just don't like that there isn't any growth or real change on this album. His mixtape was great because it had different sounding songs and just as it was short enough that it wouldn't have gotten repetitive if they sounded similar. Let's be real here for a moment though, this is song twelve out of eighteen. We are two thirds of the way through this album and most of the songs sound similar. 

Up There

The piano is back so I appreciate that. I actually really like the beat to this song. It sounds very good and although the hook has the normal Post Malone vibe to it, It's alright song, nothing to really write home about. At least it's a little different than the others.

Yours Truly, Austin Post

I like this song, but I also dislike it a lot. You guys can already guess why that is. This is kind of getting annoying because at this point it's just the same shit. Sure the lyrics might change, but it's so hard to actually listen to the lyrics when the songs sound pretty much the same.


Here we go! Finally a switch up. This is what the album needed. This song doesn't sound like the typical Post song and I like that a lot. I would even go as far as to say that this is not just a good song, but a great song. This song is a complete switch up from the rest of the album.
The beat is beautiful with it's piano, drums and guitar and other instruments. This and the way that Post sounds on this song actually just make this song wonderful. 
You guys might be thinking that I'm exaggerating due to the fact that I am relieved that it's finally a switch up, but rest assured that I am not exaggerating. 
This song not only shows that he is not afraid to switch up his style of music, but it also shows growth. 

Hit This Hard

This is another song that I enjoy a lot. It sounds a lot different than the other songs on the album.
The beat is at this point refreshing since it's a switch up from the same sounding beats that plague the beginning of this album. It's a nice, energetic beat that gives the album a boost right when it needs it.
I also really like the way that his voice sounds on this song. At first it sounds hella raspy and rough. As the song goes on his voice gets less and less raspy. His verses on this song are really strong and are a nice change up from the other verses on this album.

Money Made Me Do It

This is the song that I was talking about during the intro to this album. It appeared on his August 26 mixtape, the review of which I linked above. I'm not gonna do a full review of this for that reason. I will however say that this song fits very well at this point in the album. 
Not only is this one of Post's better songs, but it adds something new to the album. This is due to the fact that it has a great beat, that builds itself up and his hook and verse sound great. 
The biggest reason this song is great is because of 2 Chainz. His verse is so clean and precise. It's great. 

Feeling Whitney

I think that this is one of the strongest songs off of the entire album. It might actually my favorite one. It is completely different than any other song that he has made so far. It's not often that I can say that a song left an impression on me, but this song did that.
The beat is wonderful and gripping. The guitar sounds amazing and it really gives room for his voice to shine through.
In my opinion the album needed more songs like this.
Do yourself a favor and even if you hate Post Malone; give this song a listen. 


I'm a big fan of Post Malone. I think that he is really funny and I've watched several interviews with him and he is a very interesting fellow.
Even though I'm a fan I cannot help but be a little disappointed with this album. The songs by themselves aren't bad. It's just the fact that over half the album is similar sounding. The last couple songs had enough diversity to them that it wasn't all bad, but I feel like if the song order would have been mixed up a little bit it would have went a long way. 
This album is really hard to listen to in one sitting, partially due to the length but mostly due to the sound of it. If this album only had twelve songs or so it would have been much better.
I feel like since the album was pushed back for several months, he felt like he needed to add more content to it and I disagree with that.
It could actually be lower than that, had it not been for those rare moments where he changed up his style and the fact that the songs by themselves were in no shape or form bad songs. There was never a point in time during listening where I thought that a song was complete trash and hated it. 
With all that being said, I'm giving this album a 3/5.

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