Wednesday, January 24, 2018

I'm Brain - Brain (Lil Dicky) Review

Yo, what's poppin? Since Lil Dicky said that he's releasing the first single off of his new album soon and the Eagles are going to the Super Bowl, I decided to review this lil project.

I'm Brain - Brain

This project came out in 2017 and came out after Lil Dicky had released two songs with his alter ego Brain. Brain first appeared on his debut album. This project was released to give us something to hold us over until his new album comes out.

On Smash feat Lil Dicky

This is a good way to start the album off. Basically Brain is Lil Dicky just rapping with hella autotune. It sounds like a completely different rapper and Brain usually says outrageous stuff. I mean the first line of the whole project is:

    "Brain fucked a hood bitch"

The reason that this album is interesting is the same reason why I think that Lil Dicky is so good. He says outrageous and funny stuff, but can actually rap and therefore it doesn't sound like a parody or anything. I talked about his Tim Westwood freestyle on the blog before and I think that this whole project is pretty much just like that. 
If you listen to this song Brain raps about cream cheese, poppy seeds and even ant mounds. But it sounds good. 
I really like the line:

     "Brain whoop your bitch ass,
       Not yo bitch like your girl, but you
       You a bitch, Brain would never hit a girl."

It's the little things like this that make this song, if not this whole project great. Everyone pretty much knew what he meant with the first line, but he had to clarify it real quick. It's the little things.
Lil Dicky also snaps on his verse.

Cocaine feat Lil Dicky

This is a slower song in which Lil Dicky raps about how he has never done Cocaine. It's kind of a ridiculous concept for a song, but I'm not going to lie, it's kind of catchy. The highlight of this song for me is when Lil Dicky talks about baked potatoes being his favorite.
Basically what happens in this song is that Lil Dicky is hanging out with this girl and she's doing coke and asks him if he wants to do some. He asks her for some Molly and during Brain's verse he throws up.

Whippin' It Up feat Lil Dicky

This is one of the highlights of the album for me. They both pop off. If you need proof that Lil Dicky is actually a valid rapper, it's right here. I really am impressed how during the second verse, it switches seamlessly between Lil Dicky and Brain.
This song is all about how Lil Dicky comes up with his raps and he gives all credit to Brain.


This is a little skit/interlude where Lil Dicky tell Brain that he is all over the place with his raps and needs to focus and Brain goes into this song. I think that this is supposed to show that Lil Dicky's brain is extra and kind of cluttered, I guess.  It's a fun little interlude.

F Slo feat Lil Dicky

I did not spell the title wrong, that's actually how it is spelled. This song is all about them telling girls that the need to slow down during sex. That kinda sounds like a weird song idea, but he makes it work. I really like the way that both of them flow on this song. 

How Can U Sleep feat Lil Dicky & The Game

This song is Lil Dicky basically asking people how they can sleep on him. I was so excited when I saw who was featured in this song. I'm a big fan of the Game and this song really did not disappoint. This is actually Lil Dicky's hardest song. This beat goes so hard and is menacing. It really fits the theme of the song. 
I really like the line: 

    " Used to have turtles, no wonder I'm snappin'"

After the hook, the Game comes out the gate swinging, asking how many rappers he needs to slap and he keeps that same energy throughout his verse. There's a point in his verse where he says he has no idea who's song this is and that just further drives the narrative that Lil Dicky is slept on. I mean it wouldn't surprise me if the Game actually didn't know whose song he was on and just got sent the beat and sent his verse back. I'm pretty sure that's not the way it went though.
After the Game finishes his verse I assumed the song would be over, but Lil Dicky comes back in for one of his hardest verses to date. If you need any proof that Lil Dicky can actually rap and pop off, here you go.


I think that this is a very fun project, which does a good job of holding us over until his new album comes out. I also think that this project shows how versatile Lil Dicky can be, since pretty much every song sounds different than the one before it. I enjoyed the mix of Lil Dicky and Brain and think that it is a fun idea.
I wish that the project was longer though, seeing how it is only 22 minutes.
All in all I think that this is a strong project and would give it a 8.5/10. 

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