Saturday, June 2, 2018

Ye - Kanye West

It's been a while. Hope y'all are doing well.
Before we even talk about this review I want to remind you guys of the last time I reviewed Kanye and somebody thought it would be a good idea to not only review my review, but did so anonymously. So I responded. I wasn't going to but it annoyed me that they were hiding behind a keyboard instead of coming forward and saying who they were. If I don't know the person it's one thing and I wouldn't have cared that much, but if I know you and you are too coward to have a conversation about music and hide behind your keyboard then you aren't respectable. Alright I said my little piece.

Ye - Kanye West

I wasn't really going to review this, but there is a lot I want to say about this and a couple of tweets def will not get my points/views across.
Before we even get into this review I want to make sure everyone knows that I do not let artist's action define their art. Music is art and I respect that. So even though Kanye has said some pretty wild stuff, I went into this with a clear slate.
I also want to make a real quick point that Kanye and his family only care about money or people doing stuff for them. That whole Kim going to the White house because she wanted Trump to pardon someone. That is all. Not prison reform or anything like that, literally just for personal gain. 
I have an issue with this album cover because although it's a cool picture, the writing on it is super corny. Mental illness is a real thing, but I feel like Kanye just keeps bringing it up and using it as an excuse for his "outbursts." It also seems like he is trying to flex with it. He's treating it like it's an "in" thing.
He also doesn't put anyone that's featured on the song on the track listing and it bugs me. Kind of selfish, but it is Kanye so whatever.
But whatever, lets get to this review.

I Thought About Killing You

Well I did like this beat but then I read that Kanye is being accused of sampling a german band without clearing it and if that's true it's really shitty of him.
The first two minutes of this song are dreadful. The only thing that's good about it is that he finally admitted that he loves himself more than whoever he is talking about. That's not surprising, I mean it is Kanye.
The next minute of this is a little but better but not by much. The lyrics are surprisingly mediocre, with one terrible one ( that nonsensical muslim line) and one pretty good one (the bad days one). 
The last minute of this song finally has the full beat which is nice, but the lyrics are just meh.
This isn't a good song. This is honestly a really weird song. I do like the way that it progresses but it's just weird. Does no one else think that this song is weird as hell? He really wants to bring the point across that he thought about killing you. No wait, he really thought about killing you. Seriously. For real. I think Kanye needs to get help.


This song sounds like it was left off of his last album, which is kinda weird but it's a decent beat so I'm not mad about it. What I am mad about is these lyrics. I was worried when I was thinking about reviewing this because some of these lyrics are just terrible. 

   "Yeezy, yeezy trollin OD huh?"
    Turn TMZ to DVD, huh?
    Russel Simmons wanna pray for me too
    I'ma pray for him cause he got me too'd
    Thinkin' what if that happened to me too
    Then I'm on E! News"

I said I was gonna keep his actions separate from his music but he brought them into this so I gotta address this. Kanye said slavery was a choice and is a Trump supporter. Personally I do not like Trump at all so miss me with that bullshit. The slavery comment really just shows how Kanye lives in his own world. He has no idea what people are going through and I don't think he can fathom how many people he hurt when he said that. I don't think he really cares though. All he cares about is that if he is accused of rape or sexual harassment that it would hurt his image. Kanye just cares about his image this isn't anything new.
He also talks about how he dresses "Abercrombie," my guy, you dress in your own clothing line which looks nothing like Abercrombie. Old Kanye did dress like that, but we are far away from that now.

All Mine

This beat sounds like it's off "808's & Heartbreaks" which is dope and I appreciate that. But god damn does Kanye have some dumb ass lines. Kanye is really out here talking about "all these thots on christian mingle." Alright my guy. I guarantee that Tristan, who is an NBA player and cheated on your sister-in-law, did not meet those girls on christian mingle or was ever a member of that site like you said. 
Another mind boggling line from this song is:

    " I love your titties, cause they prove
      I can focus on two things at once."

I hate this man.
He starts the next verse off with:

    "Let me hit it raw like fuck the outcome"

Which isn't the best line, but the way he delivered it was dope, but then he ruined it by continuing with: 

    " Aye, none of us would be here without cum"

I'm done with this song.

Wouldn't Leave

Here we go. This song pisses me off. So let me break it down real quick. He finally addresses the comments about slavery he made like he said he would on this album. Y'all ready for this? 

    "I say, "Slavery a choice," they say, 'How,Ye?'
     Just imagine if they caught me on a wild day
     Now I'm on fifty blogs gettin' fifty calls
     My wife callin, screamin, say ' we bout to lose it all' "

He doesn't address it and he proves that Kim and him only care about their image and their money. 
At first I thought he was blaming this all on his mental illness, which pissed me off because the whole Trump drama and the slavery comments were all to build hype for his album and that is disgusting. He even pretty much confirms it when he says to imagine if it was a wild day for him. It's all planned and everyone fell for it. After that last song I honestly lost almost all interest for this album and, spoiler alert, we aren't even at the most problematic/worst song. But don't worry we will get there.

No Mistakes

This song is really mediocre and it was hard for me to listen again for the review. There's no substance here.

Ghost Town

Cudi is on this song, so that's a big plus. But this is another mediocre song in my eyes. It's really hard for me to even listen to it right now. I took a ten minute break from writing to try fix my mindset and be able to fully listen to this album and it's a chore. 
This song isn't awful but it just feels long and stretched out.
The one girl says:

    "I put my hand on a stove, to see if I still bleed."

I don't think she understands the concept of fire and burns.

Violent Crimes

Alright this is it. This is the worst song on the album. Kanye made a song directed toward his 4 year old daughter. It's weird to me that he talks about how he says she shouldn't do yoga. It's all just crazy. He makes all these crazy scenarios like, she cuts class and hangs with her friends, so he breaks a glass and tells her she can't do that. He goes on to saying that he can't beat her because she'll move in with a mysterious "him" and then he'll beat her. 
It's all just so confusing because she's the daughter of two really rich people so she will never have a normal life and won't have to deal with stuff like that. 
He also says:

    " I pray your body's trapped more like mine and not like your mommy's"

This is an insane thing to put in a song that is basically a song to your 4 year old daughter.
Also that nikki and ménages line is stupid. I get it's supposed to be a play on words and whatnot but it's about a person, who is currently 4. It's weird as hell.


I'm gonna keep it a stack, I think Kanye needs help. Professional help. He needs to sit down and talk to a professional because he has a mental illness or several. He's not over his mother's death and that is really showing. He needs help, but with that being said the way he keeps bringing it up makes me feel like he kind of is flexing with it like money and luxury items. It's weird.
The production on this is great, but everything else is pretty much garbage. Minus the features, which were actually pretty good, I just wish that the people were credited like they usually are. 
All in all I really cannot give this album higher than a 3. It would be higher because of the production but god damn he really made most the songs mediocre with his lyrics. So in the end, I said I couldn't give it higher than a 3, but I'm giving it a 2, because this was a waste of time. 

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