Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Must Be Nice - G-Eazy Review

Yoo, what’s gucci? I’m hitting all of you with a quick review to hold you over for bigger stuff that I will be working on the plane tomorrow. If you don’t know, I’m heading home to Germany tomorrow so I’ll have time on the flight and what not. I’ll try to keep up with the reviews while I’m in Germany, but things tend to get redic when I’m there so we will see. 
In other news people actually started voted in that poll thing after I said that no one was voting and “Stay Trippy” won. I’m stoked to review that, because I am a big Juicy J fan.
Anyway, here’s the review of G-Eazy’s “Must Be Nice”

Must Be Nice - G-Eazy

So first off, I need to give a shoutout to Kyle for showing me this G-Eazy. G-Eazy is an awesome rapper and has influenced me greatly recently.


This is a song about how he had to work hard to get to where he is now. He’s a very personal rapper as you will see later in this mixtape as well. You can see this with this:

“Late to my own release party man I’m tore up and I’m plastered
Sorta happy I ain’t blow up any faster.
Now I’m wishing it would slow up, let me capture-
Experiences, while I grow up like a bachelor.”

He’s saying that he’s happy that he didn’t get big right away because it made him appreciate everything more. Now everything is too fast and he wishes it would slow down so he can capture every single moment. The last bit of that he’s talking about how he can’t be with anyone because he’s always on tour and due to the girls at the after parties. This is a topic that he often brings up in his songs.
This song actually has a line that is gonna be in my next installment of “Words of Wisdom” It goes:

“Crops taste better when you harvest them yourself.”

What he’s saying here that everything is more satisfying if you actually have to do work for it. If stuff just falls in your lap, sure it’s cool and whatnot, but it’s not as satisfying as if you would go out and earn it.
The beat and his flow in this song is super trill as well. A redic good beginning to a mixtape. I really like how the beat changes for the last little bit. Perfect song.

Plastic Dreams feat Johanna Fay

This song has a dreamlike feel too it, which really fits with message of the song.
The message of the song is that he has these “plastic” dreams which are just dreams that aren’t coming true at the moment, but he is gonna get there soon.
I enjoy Johanna Fay on this song, she really fits well to the song. 
I laughed the first time I heard this at this line:

“Homie, I just keep dreaming of the day I bang Rihanna”

It reminded me of one of my best friends JT, because JT is obsessed with Rihanna. 

Lady Killers feat Hoodie Allen

I love this song. i know it by heart, that’s how many times I have heard it. I really like the hook of this song:

“Got on my leather jacket, Thriller,
There sure ain’t nothin’ iller.
Man I’m a ladykiller, if I want her Imma steal her.”

Hey, I got a leather jacket, ladies. (Horrible attempt at being humorous)
This is basically just a song about how many girls they get with, but it’s done right. Both of them go HAM in this song. I think Hoodie has the better verse though, because my favorite lines of this song are in Hoodie’s verse:

“Many look at me like I ain’t even got a fuckin’ plan,
Alright, that’s cause I’m the fuckin’ man.”

He’s saying that people don’t think that he any idea what he is doing or gonna do next, but thats alright because he’s the man. He’s saying he’s a badass and does whatever he wants to do. This is also probably gonan be on the next “Words of Wisdom”

Mad feat Devon Baldwin

This song is so good. It sounds like an old fashioned song from my Grandma’s time. That’s one of the strongest parts of the song. I love the way this songs begins:

“I swear I fall in love
With every gorgeous face.
Can’t tell when it’s for real
Or only for the chase.”

He’s saying that he doesn’t know if he actually wants to be with girls or just likes the chase for them. 
This is the part where I say that I can’t relate to this, but that would be a lie. All through high school I had phases where I went through this and then I stopped it last year, but right now I don’t know where I am in this regard. I need to figure that out. Sorry for going all personal here, back to the review.
In his first verse he talks about how he is getting more and more drunk and being more and more blunt with this girl about the fact that he wants to do her.

Then the hook comes in with Devon Baldwin talking about how she wants to get him alone to do him. I like the hook though, it sounds nice.
In the second verse he is sweet talking the girl while they are in the club and at the end of it they dip out to go to his place.

Marilyn feat Dominique Lejeune

This is a super sad song that is full of references to the Kennedys. In the first verse he talks about how he wishes they could at least pretend that everything is gucci between them, but there is miscommunication and the fact that he is never there and that she thinks that he’s cheating on her when he’s on tour. I think that the way he ends his first verse is powerful:

“Then I said some shit that upset her.
Arguing in public, talking loud as Big sweater.
She said, ‘You’re always gone.’
I said, ‘The fuck do you expect from me’
Then she looked back at me and she said to me.” 

First off, he’s talking about how they would argue in public. Big’s sweater is a reference to the Notorious B.I.G. He always wore sweaters with vibrant colors or as a rapper would call it “loud” sweaters. His girl is mad at him because he is always gone and in his rage he flips out on her. In his eyes he’s not doing anything wrong. He’s a rapper and he needs to go on tour.
The hook is his girl telling him that she wants to love him, but can’t because he is making it impossible for her to do so. She ends up telling him to go to sleep and everything will be alright. You know those times when you are just super pissed and what not and you go to bed and in the morning everything looks different.
In his second verse his girl catches him cheating and he defends it by saying that it comes with the profession. The rest of the verse he is defending himself towards his girl. Another line that stuck with me was:

“I swear my intentions aren’t as evil as you think”

In the last verse he talks about how if this is their last night together that they should talk it out and hook up one last time. He ends the song by telling her what she has been telling him in the hooks.

“Everything will be alright,
So baby get some sleep tonight.”

What an ending for the song. Damn.

Stay High feat ModSun

This is a song about getting stoned. The beat is so smooth, you wouldn’t believe. He even says so himself. G-Eazy has a short but sweet verse and then ModSun goes in on it with a longer verse. It’s all pretty much about weed though. I like ModSun’s rap style and flow. He has a interesting voice.


So this whole album has been more chill and then he comes with this song. It has a menacing beat and G-Eazy goes in on it. I love how the hook has that Biggie reference in it. This song has it all, Women, Drugs, and Alcohol and cockiness. His mixtape is so good, he’s allowed to be as cocky as he wants to be. I would be too.

Must be Nice feat Johanna Fay

Johanna Fay back on the beat. She’s so good at singing. 
In his first verse G-Eazy talks about how he wishes that he wasn’t broke anymore and would have a nice house with a nice view and wants all his dreams to come true.
In his second verse he starts talking about how much better his lifestyle has changed for the better. I like the growth he describes and shows in this song. 
The beat is great on this and G-Eazy’s rhymes are on point.

Loaded feat DJ Carnage

This is the banger off of the mixtape. The whole hook is just them talking about how rich they are with one word “Loaded”
DJ Carnage goes in on this song. I’ve never heard of him before this, but damn. He produced this song so it’s kinda rare that he also raps on it. The only other people I’ve really seen do that are like Kanye, El-P and Cudi.
Then G-Eazy’s verse comes and he deliveres his hardest verse on the mixtape. This might be my favorite song off of the album.

So that was my review for G-Eazy’s “Must Be Nice” 
G-Eazy is a badass and I really liked this mixtape a lot. He’s a deep rapper, who isn’t afraid to get personal while also being good.

I’ll give it a 10/10.

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