Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Ugly Truth - UGLY Review

Yooo, what’s good? I know it’s been awhile, but I haven’t been motivated to do anything for the blog and I didn’t really want to just force something out and half ass it, so I took a short break from it. Today I have this gem that was dropped by a member of the Super Duper Crew. 

The Ugly Truth - Super Duper UGLY

This guy has one of the funniest rap names that I have heard in awhile and I know for a fact that he is fun to listen to. His song “Everyday” has been featured several times on this blog. So let’s get to this mixtape. It’s a short mixtape, 8 songs with most songs being short. It’s about 22 min, so it’s not long at all.

UGLY’s Anthem

What an intro. He starts off his mixtape with stating his whole style of music:

“ I ain’t fuckin’ with you critics, 
  Nah, I don’t have witty lyrics.”

It’s like he’s pulling a Waka Flocka and saying that he makes feel good/party music and I can dig that. You can’t always be listening to super serious music, you have to unwind with some belligerent shit sometimes. This is one of those songs that make you wanna go and party. The first time I heard this song I wanted to go grab myself a beer or make myself a drink and it was only noon. I had to stop listening to it until a bit later in the day because I was getting to hype because of this song. 
There is nothing unnecessary in this song and I like that. It’s short and full of energy. Perfect intro to the mixtape.

You Can Be The Boo

I was skeptical about this song when I first read the title, but once I heard the beat I really liked it. I thought it was gonna be a cheesy love song for some reason and boy was I wrong. The beat is redic. I really like his rap style. He raps well and is an interesting rapper. It’s a funny song too, because he’s talking about how he has more than one girl and the little 10-15sec interludes in the song between some of the verses are funny. 
This is also the second longest song on the mixtape and you don’t even really notice it.

Everyday feat KYLE & Mr. Man

What do I even say about this song? I love this song. I was like obsessed with it when I first heard it and still kind of am. This is already one of the most memorable songs of 2014 for me. It has a great beat, great bass and a great feel to it. The hook is catchy and the verses are great. 
My favorite part of this song has to be KYLE’s verse though. He starts it off by making fun of the whole idea that this is a party song and then he goes in about how he doesn’t want alcohol, he just wants sugar. It sounds dumb, but the verse is so good. I don’t understand how it’s so good. The best lines have to be:

“ Told my bitch go hit that ass and pick up my dough.
  And you know I don’t mean no reefer, I mean pick up my coke.
  And you know I don’t mean no white girl, I mean pick up my soda.
  And you know that shit is bougie, if it ain’t coca cola.”

I laughed the first time I heard his verse and you would think that it would ruin the vibe of the song, but it really doesn’t.

Use Your Tongue

These beats are just savage, so much bass. He just goes in on this song. I don’t know why he said that he doesn’t have witty lyrics, because he totally does. 

“ Name Ugly, but the girls think I’m pretty.” 

This is a hella short song, it’s basically just one verse and a hook, but it is perfect in it’s length and it’s desired effect.

Mona Lisa feat KYLE

This is an aight beat. I personally don’t like the background voice that pops up once and awhile, but otherwise it’s solid. Both Super Duper UGLY and KYLE both go in on this song though. I really like KYLE’s rap style. He’s actually my third favorite rapper right now, right behind Gambino and Sam Lachow. 
They don’t necessarily say anything hella profound or crazy in this song, but I really like the line:

“ Thuggin’s in my blood,
  I’m a genius in my genes.”  

Forever Wasted feat Mr. Man

Damn they go in on this song. They completely destroy it. This song actually left me speechless. They literally just go in on it and then it ends just as fast as it began. It’s like they came, they saw and they conquered. I’m really impressed by this song. 

Whoa Girl feat Tony Demash

I was skeptical about this song at first, but I think it’s nice that he shows that he can also do slower, less hype songs. He keeps the energy in his voice, but he slows it down and it’s like not a hype song like the other ones have been. It’s nice. It’s weird, it’s slow and not hype, but it still fits perfectly into this project.

Drop It feat Cito

First off, I hate EDM/ Electro, but I enjoy when it’s mixed with raps (see “Wild For The Night”; “Bricks”; etc). I thought I was gonna hate this song, but I don’t at all. I actually find myself liking this song a lot. This is something different and it’s dope.


I really, really like this album. It hypes you up and makes you wanna go get stuff done. The Super Duper Crew is most def a rising group out of cali, from whom we will see more great projects. The only real con I can come up with is that it is a short mixtape. I know I said it was good that it’s a short project, but I find myself wanting more. 
I would even go as far as to say that I think that this is the best mixtape from 2014 until now. The only two that I think that can maybe top it is the next mixtape from Run The Jewels or Gambino’s new mixtape.
I would give this a 10/10.

Keep it trill guys.

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