Monday, April 18, 2016

Dear Keyboard Warrior,

My review of that new Flatbush Zombies joint is coming out soon and I have a special guest on it, but until then I got something else I want to talk about. So about a month ago someone anonymously posted a comment on my review of Kanye's new album and I decided to make a separate post to show it and reply to it. I hope the person that wrote it sees this reply. I hope y'all ready for this ride.

 The comment goes as follows:

I suggest you look at this review, cause your review falls short of the actual awesomeness that is "The Life of Pablo":
(This website also gives all of the featured artists)

It's funny cause if you just google "Sia," her face fills up the entire page. 
Not only that, but "Utralight Beam" has soooooo many truthful lyrics that are sooooo deep. 

I'm appalled that you didn't understand "Father Stretch My Hands Pt. 1" cause it actually has a deeper meaning. It's literally the big theme of the whole album, really--Kanye's Christian enlightenment. 

You did okay with Part 2.

What you said about "Famous" is okay, but I think that the T-swizzle comment was more of his way of saying that he was putting up a badass front and he's trying to break that down because he doesn't want THAT to be his only reason for being famous. 

I think that "Feedback" wasn't talking about his success and his fortune in a positive light. I think he's saying that his materialistic mindset is going to get him killed. But, the outro shows that he can't help flaunting it. 

You skipped "Low Lights" which is really depressing considering it's out a shout-out to all the mommas in the world. 

I'm gonna skip the rest cause i'm too lazy, but know...step up your game. 

Last thing: Did you know that his original concept of the album was supposed to be more of a timeline? It was supposed to start with him starting from the bottom, rising to fame, getting addicted to drugs and fighting depression, then finding God, and finally being successful and happy. I thought that was important to mention.

k peace. "

Dear Anon,

Ok, so first off, I gave the Kanye album a 9/10, which means I enjoyed it a lot actually. So I don't know why you are saying that my review falls short of the "actual awesomeness that is 'The Life Of Pablo' " On a side note, my 5 year old brother says awesome so congrats, you are talking like a 5 year old. Also linking a review on rap genius is trash. Their reviews are alright, but here's the thing, this is my blog and my review, not theirs. They have a group of people that talk about the album together and that's how they do their reviews. The reason I didn't go to rap genius to look up the featured artists is because quite frankly, I didn't care that much. I listed the ones that I care about. I don't care if Pastor T.L. Barrett is talking on the intro to father stretch my hands part 1. I'm sorry fam, but it's not that deep.

To your next point, how are you appalled that I didn't understand part 1? I understood it, I just don't give a damn. Kanye literally starts the song talking about how he's going to fuck this model who just bleached her asshole. That's the deepest gahdamn meaning this song needs to have. I'm actually confused on how you can say that you are 'appalled' by that. I'm actually appalled that you have the audacity to write a comment like this and hide your identity. Like step up homie, I would have a lot more respect for you hadn't done that.

I think me and you think that Kanye is famous for different reasons. I see Kanye being famous for several things, first and foremost his music, then his yeezy boosts ( Shout out to Adidas), then his "Bush doesn't like black people" remark and then Kim K. The Swift incident is whatever. 

I think that your thoughts on "Feedback" are yours to have. I actually like what you are saying about the outro, I ain't gonna lie. I still think that this song is all about getting that money, since you know, he literally says: " Wake up, N*gga, wake up, we bout to get this paper".

This shows me that you really haven't read my blog that much. If you did, you would know that I almost always skip interludes and skits. Low lights is fucking garbage. It fits to the album, but I think it's so boring. Like the first time you hear it, it's alright but then you don't wanna hear it again. If you want to hear  a good interlude listen to "The Toast (Interlude) " by the Dean's List. That's how you do an interlude. 

You are actually a sack of shit for that "step up your game" comment. 

Last thing: Did you know that I don't give a shit what the original concept of the album was? The reason I don't care is because there were so many problems with the release of this album that it almost killed all the hype I had for it.

The reason I replied to this comment with a post is because it actually annoys me. Let me make this clear to everyone reading this, this is my blog. This means that these are my opinions, unless of course someone else is featured on the review. Now don't get me wrong, I love talking about music with my friends and even with strangers. Everyone has an opinion and I like that. That being said don't come up on my blog hiding your identity and try to come at me. Don't be a keyboard warrior, there are too many of those as it is.

Also, how are you going to review my review? That doesn't even make sense fam. 

You know what I want you to do? I want you to comment on this or message/email me, and reply to this. Step up or shut up.



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